The 8 best trends from the future

From self-care to finance, it is impressive to see how we are changing from technology to nutrition in our daily life.  While we looked back at past trends, we are curious to look toward the future for new trends which may influence our way of living. Our list includes eight technological, financial, cultural, and artistic trends that will have a decisive impact in the next five years.  What do you think?

Among the most impacted categories:

  • Technologies and innovation. What are the goals of the new designs? What needs do they intend to satisfy?

  • Beauty and cosmetics. The Z Generation is the protagonist: it is they who are reinventing the world of make-up, breaking some aesthetic habits, and reinterpreting beauty in a not only genderless but also transhuman key. Particular attention dedicates to cruelty-free and innovations from a sustainability perspective.

  • Health and wellness. New ways of taking care of oneself dominate, and as skin occupies the privileged place. Digital health gains momentum by monitoring one's health with a smartphone, an app, and a social network.

  • Finance. Digital currencies and cryptocurrencies. Will we be using digital money in five years?

Digital Currency

Hardly a new topic, crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have generated splashy media attention for years. Still the rise of Bitcoin’s value over the past 3 months has been meteoric: from US$ 18K on 12/11, 2020 to US$60K on March 14, 2021. Somewhat lost in the major news from Christies’ artwork sale by the artist “Beeple” for US$69.3M was that it was conducted in Ethereum; dramatically highlighting how this blockchain currency is embedded with young investors. The real eyebrow raising news though, and a marker for the future, is China’s push to make the yuan a national digital currency. While cryptocurrencies are designed to be de-centralized to avoid control by a central bank, national digital currencies are very much intended to be government controlled and this makes them a lot more powerful. 

Digital NFT Home on mars

A wide range of industries are being disrupted by NFT technology, including the digital art world, contemporary artist Krista Kim recently created Mars House as first-of-its-kind digital non-fungible token home. As Kim sees it, "Everyone should install a LED wall in their house for NFT art. This is the future, and Mars House demonstrates the beauty of that possibility.

Source: Trendhunter

Dynamic Work of Art with beauty products

Ciaté London together with artist Saskia Gall created an unconventional makeup installation in London’s Hyde Park using its range of foundation and blush colors. Perfectly timed for the arrival of spring when people are appreciative of the season's fresh color palette, the installation shows off Ciaté's Dewy range and pigment-changing paints. The art piece is also an interactive one, as it is covered in hydrochromic paint and only comes to life when splashed with water.

Source: Trendhunter


Starlink is now delivering initial beta service both domestically and internationally, and will continue expansion to near global coverage of the populated world in 2021.

Starlink is ideally suited for areas of the globe where connectivity has typically been a challenge. Unbounded by traditional ground infrastructure, Starlink can deliver high-speed broadband internet to locations where access has been unreliable or completely unavailable.


Thanks in part to social networks, this technology has definitely gone mainstream. The move from streaming sports games and news conferences to live streaming concerts and music festivals is a natural progression, as consumers increasingly embrace the concept of watching events while on the go or from the comfort of their home. 

Green Policies Further In Our Favor

Governments across the world have announced at least $12 trillion in stimulus funds, creating an enormous opportunity to accelerate investment in green technologies, shifting the cost dynamics of the transition.


NFTs are unique blockchain-based digital assets that represent an increasing number of commodities, from art and real estate to collectibles like sports trading cards. The blockchain-created certificate of authenticity is used for a digital asset such as art, or in this case, a tweet. Example: This tweet sold for over 2 million.


President Joe Biden has pledged to transition the U.S. economy “away from the oil industry.” This goal cannot be achieved without the electrification of road transport. market forces and green government policies are accelerating this shift in the United States and around the world as the electrification of transport is one of the major trends of the 21st century.

Source: Forbes